


2015-12-13 23:01 管理员



    1.    如何通过改善多核、众核和分布式系统集成度和存储结构提高异构系统能源和计算效率;

    2.    如何提供异构平台的可视性;

    3.    如何改善平台的虚拟度,应用映射和异构平台未知工作负载的能源调度;

    4.    通过硬件原型和仿真展示成果。







    熟悉Linux核心,具有Xilinx’s EDKtools 或 Altera’s SoPC Builder 的开发经验。


更多详细信息请联系:Dr. Lesley Shannon,


PostdoctoralResearch opportunity at Simon Fraser University

Project Title: Runtime Software, Performance Monitoring and Architectures forenergy and performance efficiency on FPGA-based Heterogeneous Systems 

ProjectDescription:  Heterogeneous Computing Solutions are now incorporated in platformsranging from embedded products to the Data Centre.  Many of theseplatforms are required to run multiple workloads that may not be known atdesign time. 

Our goals areto: 1) Investigate how to improve the energy and compute efficiency ofheterogeneous architectures through improved system integration and memoryhierarchy access for multicore, manycore, and distributed systems. 2)Investigate how to provide system visibility to the programmer and thescheduler for heterogeneous platforms. 3) Investigate how to improve platformvirtualization, application mapping, and resource scheduling for unknownworkloads sharing a heterogeneous platform. 4) Demonstrate our ideas usinghardware prototyping and emulation.

To perform thisresearch, we have created a configurable, FPGA-based, multicore platform withL1 and L2 caches that can be used to investigate symmetric, asymmetric, andheterogeneous multicore configurations. 

Qualifications:  We are looking tohire a highly qualified and motivated researcher with the vision to recognizethe research potential of our existing platform as well as the possible futureextensions. A successful candidate will have a PhD in Computer/ComputationalScience, Electrical or Computer Engineering, and/or a closely relatedfield. 

Qualifiedapplicants should have completed a thesis research project that includes an HDLdesign component and be comfortable navigating large code bases. They shouldalso be knowledgeable as to modern computer architecture and have experiencewith a CAD flow from one of the major FPGA vendors. Familiarity with the Linuxkernel and experience with either Xilinx’s EDK tools or Altera’s SoPC Builderis preferential, but not required. 

Location:  Simon FraserUniversity’s Burnaby Campus is situated in a spectacular mountain-top settingjust outside of Vancouver, Canada, a vibrant, cosmopolitan city, whichconsistently rates as one of the most desirable cities in the world in which tolive. Vancouver is nestled between the ocean and the dramatic mountains ofwestern Canada's coast range. Outdoor activities such as skiing (including theworld-class resort of Whistler/Blackcomb), hiking, mountain biking, and boatingare all within easy reach of the university. 


To Apply : Please send a targeted cover letter expressing your suitability forthe position along with a complete CV and a list of at least 3references. 

Ideally, thecandidate will be able to start as early as Spring 2016 for a period of 1 year,with the possibility of an extension. Applications will be reviewed startingDecember 30th and will continue until the position has been filled. 

ContactInformation: This research is being performed as part of a collaboration between theReconfigurable Computing Lab and researchers in the School of ComputingScience. 

If interested inapplying, please contact Dr. Lesley Shannon at lshannon “at”