

讲座报告:英国诺丁汉大学研究员 孙燕怡博士讲座通知

2022-12-02 8:23 王艳敏

城市建筑是能源消耗的主体,以绿色低碳为方向的新一轮能源革命正在全球蓬勃兴起。建筑光伏一体化(Building Integrated Photovoltaic, BIPV)系统,将太阳能发电系统与屋顶、天窗、幕墙等建筑融合为一体,被视为太阳能与现代建筑的完美结合。我国目前正处于“十四五”的开启之年,也是我国“碳达峰”、“碳中和”能源转型的重要窗口期,大力发展太阳能等清洁能源,提升新能源消纳和存储能力,对化解电力结构性矛盾、实现建筑节能和绿色建筑具有重要意义。


讲座嘉宾:孙燕怡 研究员

联系人:王艳敏 副教授

讲座题目:Smart Windows for Building Energy Saving and Indoor Comfort



嘉宾介绍:Yanyi Sun, BArch. MSc. PhD., is a Research Fellow at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Nottingham (UK). She is experienced in the areas of sustainable building technologies, building physics, and energy efficiency technologies, especially solar energy and building daylight performance in both academic research and industrial practice. She has been contributed to 5 high-profile research projects, as main researcher, funded by EPSRC, Innovate UK National Natural Science Foundation of China and participated in 6 engineering projects in solar energy sector. Dr. Sun has published 36 peer-reviewed papers in high impact scientific Journals and International Conferences and 1 book chapter with overall citation of 594 and H index of 14. Dr. Sun has been involved in the teaching of 3 modules, is supervising/supervised 5 PhD students and 4 Master students. Being active in solar energy research and practice, she has been an invited chair, organizing committee member and editor for 3 international conferences. She worked as an Editorial Board Member of Journal of Building Design and Environment, a Guest Editor of internal journal Energies and a reviewer of 14 international journals including Applied Energy, Renewable Energy and Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells etc, as well as technology advisory board roles for a UK startup company.

讲座简介:With the increasing awareness of building energy efficiency, indoor environment quality for human wellbeing and working efficiency, efforts have intensified in to inventing intelligent building components. Windows in building envelopes are exceptionally important elements through which reduction in energy consumption and improvement of indoor comfort level can be achieved. This is because windows contribute significantly to the heat gain and loss from a building’s enclosure and determine the quantity, quality and distribution of daylight that penetrates into a space. This talk provides inspirations of various novel multi-effect smart window systems, which achieve enhanced energy efficiency, improved indoor luminous environment, on-site energy generation or all of these features.