

英国华威大学Steve Dixon教授系列讲座通知

2022-12-08 11:26 李智超



Steve Dixon教授2022年入选英国皇家工程院院士,是华威大学工业超声中心主任,英国无损评估研究中心 (RCNDE) 合作创办人。曾经担任Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation的主编,IOP物理超声组学术委员,IOM金属和金属仪器学术委员,目前是NDT&E International的编委,英国皇家社会工业研究委员。Steve Dixon教授从1991年开始从事超声相关研究工作,共承担35项科研项目,包括多项英国自然科学基金项目、欧盟FP7项目、英国皇家工程研究院基金等。研究方向包括非接触超声、材料特性超声测量、无损评估与检测、冶金微观结构超声测量等。



1. Introduction to EMATs and Lorentz for generation (12月9日周五15:30-17:00)

An introduction to the general use of EMATs and an explanation of how EMATs generate and detect ultrasonic signals. Some of the theory will be explored.

2. Introduction to magnetostriction with EMATs (12月9日周五19:00-20:30)

An introduction to the general use of magnetostriction and how EMATs generate and detect ultrasonic signals by magnetostriction. Some of the theory will be explored.

3. EMAT applications (rail inspection, crsyatllographic texture measurement, laser-EMAT) (12月12日周一15:30-17:00)

Some typical EMAT applications including rail inspection, measurement of crystallographic texture and laser-EMAT methods)

4. SH guided wave generation with EMATs & applications (12月13日周二15:30-17:00)

SH guided waves generated by EMATs - an overview of SH bulk and guided wave generation by EMATs and some applications that demonstrate the potential of SH wave NDT using EMATs, including weld inspection and the testing of complex shaped parts.

5. Eddy current NDT (12月13日周二19:00-20:30)

2 part talk giving an introduction to Eddy currents. The talk will explain how Maxwell's equations relate to eddy current testing and a basic introduction into how eddy current sensors work

6. High frequency eddy current inspection & near electrical resonant testing (12月14日周三15:30-17:00)

Examples of eddy current applications, focusing on some new and novel approaches using very high frequency eddy current probes and performing eddy current testing using near electrical resonance.