

澳大利亚RMIT大学太阳能应用实验室(Solar Energy Application Group)学术讲座与交流

2023-10-12 9:03 王艳敏


澳大利亚具有丰富的太阳能资源,太阳能的研究和应用技术位列世界前列;皇家墨尔本理工大学(Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, RMIT)大学为澳洲八大校名校之一,Solar Energy Application Group (SEAL)实验室专注于光伏技术的研究和应用,师资和学术资源丰富。通过强强合作合作,对双碳背景下的光储直柔技术应用、建筑节能与绿色能源技术应用将具有重大的促进作用;且通过与国外先进实验室搭建人才联合培养与交流模式,对培养与储备一批能够啃技术硬骨头、具备国际视野、能够引领行业进步的创新型人才,促进学校和学院的学科发展提供重要帮助作用。

澳大利亚RMIT大学Seal实验室网页详见: about/schools-colleges/property-construction-and-project-management/research/research-centres-and-groups/solar-energy-application-laboratory

受哈工大“世界顶尖大学战略合作计划”资助,风云策略游戏论坛冯勇教授和王艳敏副教授,邀请SEAL实验室的A/P. Fengling Han和她的3位博士于20231013号走进风云策略游戏论坛,进行学术讲座与交流,具体安排如下:



时间:2023.10.13 8:00-10:40(北京时间)


1.      题目:Multi-objective solar building envelope design optimization 

讲座人:Tharushi Samarasinghalage

讲座时间: 8:00-8:40(北京时间)

内容介绍:Harnessing solar energy is central to sustainable building envelope design. Utilizing multi-objective optimization techniques ensures both an eco-friendly approach and long-term energy cost savings. Here, we explore how designing with the sun in mind aligns with broader sustainability and emissions reduction goals.


2.      题目:Development of recycling processes for polymeric layers and other materials from waste Silicon Solar Modules

讲座人:Chitra Sulkan

讲座时间: 9:00-9:40(北京时间)

内容介绍:As solar systems reach the end of their operational lives, the responsible recycling of panels and batteries becomes paramount. We delve into methods to minimize environmental impact through innovative recycling processes, spotlighting the potential of repurposed solar components.


3.      题目:Opportunities for using blockchain in distributed solar energy projects 

讲座人:Chathuri Gunarathna


内容介绍:Blockchain's transformative potential extends to solar energy, enhancing transparency, efficiency, and stakeholder trust. Our exploration revolves around real-time data sharing's potential benefits to grid balancing and optimal solar power integration.



时间:2023.10.13 15:00-17:00(北京时间)

腾讯会议号: 335-542-817


1. 题目:Distributed energy management

讲座人:A/P. Fengling Han


内容介绍:The P2P architecture, celebrated in platforms like Uber and Airbnb, has a significant role in energy. By decentralizing the marketplace, participants can directly exchange surplus energy, fostering a renewable energy community. This section elucidates P2P's pivotal role in energy sharing.